Applied scientist of insecurity and freelance programmer. Cryptologist by night.
Open source developer, widespread experience with various technologies and programming languages. Especially interested in the principles of reliable construction of complex systems, languages and language-theoretic approaches, formal logic, as well as distributed and cryptographic systems.
In the free time a swimmer, radio amateur, and general nerd.
Parsers, Protocols, Cryptography, Zero Knowledge, LangSec, Formal
Verification, Security Analysis, Code Analysis, Reverse Engineering,
2012- |
Software Development and Security Analysis Freelance |
2015-2020 |
Research Assistant Institute for Security in Distributed Applications Hamburg University of Technology |
2009-2012 |
Software Developer PRESENSE Technologies GmbH |
2006-2008 |
Student Assistant Helmut-Schmidt University, Theoretical Electrical Engineering Group |
2003-2005 |
Student Assistant University of Hamburg, AI Lab |
2015- |
Doctoral studies Institute for Security in Distributed Applications Hamburg University of Technology |
2003-2015 |
Diplom (Master-level degree) in Mathematics, focus Cryptography University of Hamburg |
2001-2005 |
Student of Computer Science University of Hamburg |
The Seven Turrets of Babel: A Taxonomy of LangSec Errors and How to Expunge Them
Falcon Momot, Sergey Bratus, Sven M. Hallberg, Meredith L. Patterson
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Industrial Control System Security Workshop, 2016
Implementing a Vertically Hardened DNP3 Control Stack for Power Applications
Sergey Bratus, Adam J. Crain, Sven M. Hallberg, et al.
IEEE Cybersecurity Development (SecDev), 2016
Identification Schemes from Restricted Collision-Resistant Linear Hash Functions
Supervised thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Hamburg